To start with, acupuncture is a system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are considered to be lines of energy, used in the treatment of various physical and mental conditions.
Now, What Exactly Are Acupuncture Points?
Traditional Chinese medical theory describes special acupoints, or acupressure points, that lie along meridians, or channels, in your body. These are the same energy meridians and acupoints as those targeted with Acupuncture Riverdale.
How Many Acupuncture Points Are There?
Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe there are at least 2,000 acupuncture points in the body.
What Does Acupuncture Do?
There are many conditions and symptoms that acupuncture has been said to help with:
- Allergies
- Anxiety and depression
- Osteoarthritis
- Chronic pain, often in the neck, back, knees, and head
- Hypertension
- Insomnia
- Menstrual cramps and PMS
- Migraines
- Morning sickness
- Sprain strokes
Acupressure Points
- For menstrual cramps, massage the hollow of your inner ankle with a little pressure
- For insomnia, rub clockwise, then counter-clockwise circles in the spot between your eyebrows
- For lower back pain, press the space between the middle of your nose and upper lip
- For general headaches, try pressure on the muscle between your thumb and index finger
How Do These Points Work?
How these points work is still debatable, but according to medical research are some theories as followed:
- Placing a needle in an acupuncture point stimulates the release of a chemical called adenosine, which helps to relieve pain.
- Placing an acupuncture needle stimulates the nerve pathway and signals the brain to release hormones called endorphins, which also releases pain.
- Some hypothesis suggests acupuncture decreases inflammation.
- The final theory is that that placing the needle stimulates the nerve to secrete a growth factor that stimulates nerve regeneration.
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is a traditional science that promotes good health and wellness by employing non-toxic natural therapies and identifying the unique aspects of each human to restore her/his structural, physiological and psychological balance.
Naturopaths Belmont are general practitioners trained in naturopathic or natural medicine. Naturopaths Perth follows 6 main principles:
- The healing capacity of nature
- Finding and treating the cause
- Firstly, do no harm
- The doctor is a teacher
- Treating the whole body
- Better safe than sorry
Bowen Therapy
Bowen therapy is basically a remedial holistic body technique that works on soft connective tissues eg. deep and superficial fascia. It is a relaxing and gentle movement that doesn’t require forceful manipulation. Bowen therapy Belmont is mostly used to treat related neurological problems such as organic, chronic conditions and sports injuries or musculoskeletal problems.
Acupuncture points work by activating each point with a variety of methods. There’s no evidence that acupuncture is a miracle cure. It does seem to have some evidence as for people who may have many conditions and illnesses. It’s been around for more than 2,500 years and as research grows, so will the knowledge of how Acupuncture Bayswater works. Trust the experts at acucarenaturopathics and get relief from your ailments, leading a disease-free life.
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