Stemming from Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is a holistic health healing technique where certain parts of the body are stimulated by inserting thin needles into the skin. Acupuncture aims at restoring disrupted energy flow in the body by stimulating specific points close to the skin. It is essentially a family of processes involving stimulation of anatomical locations on or in the skin by various techniques. Ailments that respond well to acupuncture treatment are as follows- arthritis, headache, digestive disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, respiratory disorders, and dysmenorrhea etc.
Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is one of the most widely used forms of alternative medicine. It stimulates specific nerve endings of the body. The benefits of treating ailments through acupuncture in Carlisle are as follows-
- Acupuncture activates the body’s natural opioid system which mostly reduces pain or induces slumber.
- It effectively brings about changes in the secretion of neurohormones and neurotransmitters, which in turn, positively influences the brain chemistry
- Acupuncture positively impacts the nervous system by stimulating the patient’s hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
- Acupuncture also stimulates the conduction of electromagnetic signals which releases the immune system cells or pain-killing chemicals.
- Acupuncture treatment makes obese adults more sensitive towards the food they eat. The treatment helps control hunger which helps them to lose weight.
- Acupuncture treatment works well for an arthritis cure. The traditional belief system observes that there are 14 meridians or energy channels in our body. Needles are carefully inserted into the meridian of the nerve ending, which thereafter releases endorphins and boosts energy and blocks pain.
Experience Self-healing with Acupuncture clinics in Belmont
The approach of acupuncture treatment encompasses and promotes a natural self-healing process by stimulating the specific anatomic sites referred to as Acupoints. Most acupuncturists feel the pulse and look of the tongue to decide on the course of treatment. It is a highly individualized form of cure with varying Acupoints for each patient. Acupuncture reduces pain by eliminating muscle tension. It has over the years been widely regarded as an effective form of alternative treatment reducing dependence on painkillers. Contrary to popular belief treatment pertaining to Acupuncture in Lathlain is totally painless.
By means of stimulation acupuncture naturally heals the body by restoring the ‘qi’ energy flow in the body system. Acu-Care Naturopathics delivers quality treatment for curing a wide array of chronic health issues. Qualified naturopath and remedial therapists work towards curing patients naturally. Through the application and integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in acupuncture, they heal ailments organically.
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