Stemming from Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is a holistic health healing technique where certain parts of the body are stimulated by inserting thin needles into the skin. Acupuncture aims at restoring disrupted energy flow in the body by stimulating specific points close to the skin. It is essentially a family of processes involving stimulation of anatomical locations on or in the skin by various techniques. Ailments that respond well to acupuncture treatment are as follows- arthritis, headache, digestive disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, respiratory disorders, and dysmenorrhea etc. Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment Acupuncture is one of the most widely used forms of alternative medicine. It stimulates specific nerve endings of the body. The benefits of treating ailments through acupuncture in Carlisle are as follows- Acupuncture activates the body’s natural opioid system which mostly reduces pain or induces slumber. It effectively brings about ch...