Origin of acupuncture in Australia goes back
to the 1880s. Acupuncture as an alternative and complementary medicine has
experienced immense growth during the last decade of the 20th
century and the first two decades of the current millennium. Over 4000
acupuncturists are registered with the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia. Acupuncture
clinics Belmont, South Perth, Vic Park, or Carlisle are common in the
continent today.
What is Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of oriental therapy
that is used as alternative to traditional drug and medications. Acupuncturists
work on various pressure points of human anatomy with the help of thinnest
needles. After inserting these needles in human body the acupuncturist moves
them in and out thereby enhancing the energy flow in the body. Acupuncture has
been effective in healing various ailments effectively. Core features of
acupuncture are the same in all the clinics. It is the same for Acupuncture Carlisle, Vic
Park, South Perth, or Belmont or any other part of Australia.
Qualified Acupuncturists in Australia
Acupuncturists in Australia are also known as
Oriental Medicine Practitioner and Chinese Medicine Practitioner. These
titles are protected for registered acupuncture specialists. Australian
acupuncturists need to complete 4 years of bachelor’s degree in the field.
Australia has three public universities as well as three post graduate programs
approved by the Chinese Medicine Board in the continent. Universities offer master as well as doctoral
degrees for learners. Acupuncturists in Australia must have the required
qualification to become registered practitioners.
A Well Accepted Alternative Treatment
Acupuncture is well accepted in Australia as
an alternative treatment. About 10% of the patients have received direct
acupuncture treatment whereas 80% of doctors refer their patients for
acupuncture services. All the private clinics offer rebates for patients
receiving acupuncture. Six Australian States allow rebates and third party
payments for patients receiving acupuncture treatment. It is no wonder that
clinics offering Acupuncture
South Perth are having flourishing business today.
Considerable Increase in Research Output
During the first two decades of the current
millennium there has been substantial increase in the research output on
acupuncture in Australia. Research and experiments on use of acupuncture for
medical treatment is increasing. The path forward is introduction of
acupuncture in regular hospitals and clinics like done in some cases in respect
of acupuncture Vic Park in Australia.
Patients require an acupuncturist and
acupuncture clinic that is nationally registered and offers treatment on
various ailments at affordable prices. A little research and homework can lead
patients to the right one in Australia.
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