Acupuncture is a kind of treatment in which very thin needles are pierced to the human body to a certain depth. These are used on different pressure points for different purposes. Using the process, you can get relief from whooping cough, headache, blood pressure problems, etc. Some people believe that it happens because of the vital energy getting balanced, whereas some people believe that this has some neurological effect. There are several different clinics of acupuncture all over the world, such as acupuncture in Carlisle . How Does It Work And What To Expect? Inserting needles to right points with proper combinations brings the flow of energy back to balance. Though there are no scientific studies that say that, there are real acupuncture points. But also there are studies on how in several cases acupuncture is effective. The acupuncturists first examine the patient and look to their present condition. After doing so, one by one, the sterile needles are ins...