Naturopathy is a natural way to cure any disease where it is believed that without applying drugs the diseases can be cured using natural therapies Belmont and bringing a little change in lifestyle. These naturopaths Belmont include two very effective therapies- Bowen and Acupuncture. · Bowen :-This is known as a very distinctive move and on the very precise points of the body this Bowen therapy is applied. Through this, the soft tissues of the body are moved in a particular way. Through the thumbs and forefingers, this rolling-type move helps to stimulate the pathways of the nerves and the tissues which lead to the focus of the brain. The move slides over the overlying skin to create move over the tissue which is underlying. So a small area of the whole of the targeted area is covered by each move. The brain is one of the very interesting areas of the body which mainly receives the important information from the sensory organs and ...