The Human body works like a web where each organ is connected to the other organ. Hence, If anything goes wrong in one part of the body, the other parts too might get affected. The acupuncture treatments are carried out on the basis of this principle. According to the traditional acupuncture, any physical or mental ailment is an indication of imbalance in the entire system. Therefore, specific points on the body are stimulated with the help of thin needles in order to balance the energy and relieve the pain. It is most commonly used in the conditions of chronic pain such as low back pain, Arthritis, severe headaches and blood pressure problems. The acupuncture techniques are generally combined with the other medical treatments to enable faster recovery of the patient. It has several subtypes which are used in combination with the needling exercise. Let’s see the types of acupuncture services which can be used to treat health ailments. Moxibustion This technique has its origi...