Emergency patients often suffer from acute pain and traditional drugs and medications fail to give desire relief to them. Use of acupuncture that is an age old oriental form of treatment can give relief in such case to the suffering patients conveniently. Australia is one of the continents that have taken to acupuncture in a big way. In result one finds numerous clinics and medical practitioners offering the treatment giving them local names like acupuncture Perth. Universal Basic Form of Acupuncture Basic form of acupuncture is universal irrespective of the name given to a specific form. Thus the Acupuncture Belmont is not much different from the treatment administered in South Perth or Vic Park. The process is using a host of thin needles and inserting them at various pressure points in the body of the patient. Thereafter an expert takes the needles in and out in quick succession thereby reducing pains and discomforts in various parts of the anatomy. Ran...