Today, most people in the world suffer from chronic depression and stress. Physicians and medical experts help us avoid stress and tension through their medicines and therapy sessions. What is stress and how can acupuncture help? Stress is a normal health problem for innumerable individuals worldwide. The common symptoms of stress include becoming agitated, being moody, suffering from low self-esteem, feeling worthless, feeling depressed, and other physical symptoms like constant headaches, upset stomach, IBS syndrome, body aches, chest pain, insomnia, low sexual desire, dry mouth, frequent cold, low immunity, etc. When you are not able to deal with stress and anxiety, it may lead to serious behavioural abnormalities. Chinese medicine Acupuncture Perth is considered to be a path-breaking natural therapy for people suffering from chronic stress symptoms. Initially, an acupuncture specialist may treat you by checking your pulse rate and tongue. As everyone r...