Thousands of years ago an art of healing was started in China which is known as acupuncture. This method is accredited by many pregnant women as it is known to heal several pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy is a wonderful phase in the life of every woman. However, your body undergoes several hormonal changes during this period. Fatigue, backache, nausea and other related problems are some of the common factors faced by most of the pregnant women. A safe and most effective way to deal with these issues is acupuncture. If you develop a habit of regular acupuncture during your pregnancy period, then you can lay a healthy foundation for both you and your baby. It is also seen in studies that women who undergo this technique have shorter birth experience than the women who do not receive this. Certain Pregnancy Symptoms That Acupuncture Can Relieve : Depression Morning sickness Heartburn Back pain and sciatica Gestational diabetes High blood pressure Breech presen...